QRZ! Ham Radio 6
QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 6.iso
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290 lines
NPFPMS Multi-User PMS (C) Copyright 1994 by Ted Harrison, G8NPF
This software is NOT Freeware or Public Domain, it is SHAREWARE
A copy can be obtained by contacting:
Ted Harrison
5 Nelson Gardens
Phone (44) 01376 342144
Internet tedharrison@cix.compulink.co.uk
AMPRNet g8npf@gb7eip.ampr.org
Please supply a suitable formatted disk, plus packaging/postage.
Suitable disks are MSDOS formatted 3.5" 720K or 1.44M (1.44M is best)
The PMS code may also be available on various internet sites. Try:
ftp.demon.co.uk ( as /pub/ham/NPFxxxx.EXE
ftp.funet.fi ( as pub/ham/packet/misc/NPFxxxx.EXE
uscd.edu (????)
(xxxx = version number)
It may also be found on some landline BBS systems (PACKET BBS on 0181 5471479)
and on some UK Packet Radio BBS's.
It can also be downloaded direct from myself (14400 V42bis), by prior (voice)
*** Beware of old, outdated, versions floating around. Check the file date!
The PMS is written to run as an application under BPQcode (4.05 or greater).
The computer should be a 286/386/486 PC compatible. The PMS code will NOT run
on a 8086/8088 XT system, sorry!
The PMS requires MSDOS >=3.3 or DRDOS >=5.0, and 640K ram. It will also run as
a DOS application under OS/2, WINDOWS and DESQview. A hard disk is essential
and a reasonably fast PC is advisable. I use a 386SX 25Mhz PC.
The PMS includes virtually all 'BBS' commands, most of which have been modified
to suit a PMS, rather than a BBS, system. It features, among other things;
Multi-user access. 'Simultaneous' operation on all channels.
YAPP protocol file transfers and Ascii file transfers.
YAPP 'crash recovery' and YappC checksum protocols.
Experimental, compressed binary file transfers.
Automatic message forwarding using:
NNA compatible compressed message forwarding.
FBB compatible compressed message forwarding.
Standard 'MBL' ascii forwarding.
Automatic message acknowledgement. (ACK)
Automatic date-expired message killing/deleting.
Automatic Listing and Reading of mail on the local NTSBBS.
Reads messages in compressed format from FBB systems.
Automatic 'AutoList' updating from FBB Unproto header broadcasts.
Full function text editor.
Local terminal mode, with all normal terminal functions.
Remote SysOp access.
User database and WP database.
Usage & error Log.
Multi-colour displays.
Automatic password verification when forwarding to/from a BBS using NNA version
v2.03 (April 93) or later.
FBB password support.
.....plus lots more.
You may try the PMS program for a period of 30 days. If you then decide to
continue using the PMS, and have not previously registered, the requested
registration fee is 15.00 UK pounds.
You must state the callsign to be used with the PMS, and the full version
number of the version you are registering (i.e. G9ABC V2.30e). Also I would
appreciate knowing where you obtained the program from (optional, just for my
own information). You will then receive a registration number which will remove
the ** Un-registered copy of NPFPMS ** line from outgoing messages, and you
will be added to the registered users list.
Cheques made out to 'E' Harrison please, not 'T ' (Ted is a just nickname!)
Registrations received will be used to help with the cost of running my 24hr
multi-port node, which is used for forwarding BBS traffic and gives local
users access to the network. Your registration will be making a direct
contribution to packet radio.
The only documentation available is in the file NOTES.DOC I hope to write a
proper manual eventually, but finding time is a real problem! If you have any
questions you are welcome to phone me on the above number, or drop me a message
on packet.
You MUST edit all the sample CONFIG files before using them. Please don't use
ANY of the sample files without editing them first! They are included as
examples only. You may also wish to edit the sample SCRIPT files, but that's
not so important.
Version 2.xx of the PMS has undergone major changes. If you are upgrading from
a version prior to 2.20, it is most important that you read the NOTES.DOC file
first. Many configuration commands and some filenames have been changed.
The forwarding system has been written to interface with BBS's running NNA or
FBB BBS code. If any problems arise using it with a BBS running some other BBS
code, *please* let me know. I can't test everything, and feedback from users is
most welcome. The more details the better!
After installation, please read the following files.
Permission is granted to use this code, provided that this notice and the
following disclaimer are included in their entirety and without modifications
of any sort. This work may not be sold, or modified and sold, or included
with any other product to be sold, without the written permission of the
No fee or compensation may be requested or received by any person or
organisation distributing this program, except by the author or an authorised
No guarantees or warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. This code
is distributed "AS IS" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed
or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You are solely
responsible for the selection of the program to achieve your intended results
and for the results actually obtained. Should the program prove defective,
you (and not the author) assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing,
repair, or correction.
Neither the author nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation,
production or delivery of this program shall be liable for any direct,
indirect, consequential or incidental damages arising out of the use or
inability to use this program.
You are free to copy and distribute the code for NON-COMMERCIAL use if:
No fee is charged for use, copying or distribution,
(except a small charge for media/postage)
Only the original NPFnnn.EXE file should be distributed.
If you wish to include the PMS code on a BBS or other distribution system,
or include it in a Shareware list, please inform the author first.
Excuses and waffle.......
This program is not, and was never intended to be, a 'BBS' program.
I wrote it because I enjoy programming, and because I wanted a PMS that would
do what *I* wanted it to do, rather than what someone else thinks a BBS/PMS
should do.
I was developing the pms code primarily for my own use. A lot of other people
have found it useful as well, and it is gradually spreading around the world.
I am very happy with this, but... please bear in mind that I am NOT a
professional programmer, it is just a hobby I do in my *SPARE* time!
I welcome reports, suggestions and criticisms, and will help out with advice on
setting up the pms (and BPQ), where possible.
General advice.
Don't configure the pms for more channels than you really need. Although the
pms can support up to 14 channels, it may be rather slow, unless you have a
very fast PC. Two or three channels should normally be enough. Time slots are
shared between channels, and although an inactive channel may not claim all its
time slots, each *active* channel will!
I run the PMS program in a DESQview window with TCP/IP (WNOS) in another DV
window, and BPQcode running underneath everything. The system memory manager is
QEMM386. The PC is a 386DX 25Mhz.
My autoexec.bat file automatically loads BPQ code into HIGH memory, boots
DESQview, and DV then runs the PMS and WNOS code. That enables the whole system
to re-start after a power failure. This setup has proved very stable.
What is Shareware
These sections are designed to help you understand the nature of shareware
and the professionalism that underpins it. Many believe that shareware is
actually free - this is NOT the case.
Some Definitions
You've probably heard the terms "public domain", "freeware", "shareware", and
others like them. Your favourite BBS or disk vendor probably has many
programs described by one or more of these words. There's a lot of confusion
about and between these terms, but they actually have specific meanings and
implications. Once you understand them, you will have a much easier time
navigating the maze of programs available to you, and understanding what your
obligations are, or aren't, with each type of program.
Let's start with some basic definitions.
"Public domain" has a very specific legal meaning. It means that the creator
of a work (in this case, software), who had legal ownership of that work, has
given up ownership and dedicated the work "to the public domain". Once
something is in the public domain, anyone can use it in any way they choose,
and the author has no control over the use and cannot demand payment for it.
If you find a program which the author has explicitly put into the public
domain, you are free to use it however you see fit without paying for the
right to use it. But use care - due to the confusion over the meaning of the
words, programs are often described by authors as being "public domain" when,
in fact, they are shareware or free, copyrighted software. To be sure a
program is public domain, you should look for an explicit statement from the
author to that effect.
"Copyrighted" is the opposite of public domain. A copyrighted program is one
where the author has asserted his or her legal right to control the program's
use and distribution by placing the legally required copyright notices in the
program and documentation. The law gives copyright owners broad rights to
restrict how their work is distributed, and provides for penalties for those
who violate these restrictions. When you find a program which is copyrighted,
you must use it in accordance with the copyright owner's restrictions
regarding distribution and payment. Usually, these are clearly stated in the
program documentation.
Maintaining a copyright does not necessarily imply charging a fee, so it is
perfectly possible and legal to have copyrighted programs which are
distributed free of charge. The fact that a program is free, however, does
not mean it is in the public domain - though this is a common confusion.
"Shareware" is copyrighted software which is distributed by authors through
bulletin boards, on-line services, disk vendors, and copies passed among
friends. It is commercial software which you are allowed to use and evaluate
before paying for it. This makes shareware the ultimate in money back
The Shareware Concept
Most money back guarantees work like this: You pay for the product and then
have some period of time to try it out and see whether or not you like it.
If you don't like it or find that it doesn't do what you need, you return it
(undamaged) and at some point - which might take months - you get your money
back. Some software companies won't even let you try their product! In
order to qualify for a refund, the diskette envelope must have an unbroken
seal. With these "licensing" agreements, you only qualify for your money
back if you haven't tried the product.
How absurd!
Shareware is very different. With shareware you get to use it for a limited
time, without spending a penny. You are able to use the software on your own
system(s), in your own special work environment, with no sales people looking
over your shoulder. If you decide not to continue using it, you throw it
away and forget all about it. No paperwork, phone calls, or correspondence
to waste your valuable time. If you do continue using it, then - and only
then - do you pay for it.
Shareware is a distribution method, NOT a type of software. Shareware is
produced by accomplished programmers, just like retail software. There is
good and bad shareware, just as there is good and bad retail software. The
primary difference between shareware and retail software is that with
shareware you know if it's good or bad BEFORE you pay for it.
As a software user, you benefit because you get to use the software to
determine whether it meets your needs before you pay for it, and authors
benefit because they are able to get their products into your hands without
the hundreds of thousands of dollars in expenses it takes to launch a
traditional retail software product. There are many programs on the market
today which would never have become available without the shareware marketing
The shareware system and the continued availability of quality shareware
products depend on your willingness to register and pay for the shareware you
use. It's the registration fees you pay which allow us to support and
continue to develop our products.
Please show your support for shareware by registering those programs you
actually use and by passing them on to others.
Shareware is kept alive by YOUR support!